Rick Rylance (CEO, AHRC) on RCUK on Green (and Embargoes)

Amsciforum 2013-03-10


Rick Rylance (CEO, AHRC) in Independent onRCUK policy: "because we recognise that… the… pay-to-publish "gold" model of Open Access.. is not always available, we've retained a mixed model for the time being. This means that if there is not a to pay-to-publish option, researchers can opt for the "green" model of open access where the paper would be available via a repository after an embargo period… [emphasis added] --- Why "for the time being"? --- Why (cost-free) Green only if (paid) Gold unavailable? Why is Green described as embargoed when over 60% of journals (including the top journals in most fields) already endorse immediate, unembargoed Green (and "Almost OA" is available for the remaining 40%)? --- Is RCUK trying to encourage publishers to increase their Green OA embargoes?



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Date tagged:

03/10/2013, 12:22

Date published:

09/27/2012, 12:47