US's 40th (Planet's 119th) Green Open Access Self-Archiving Mandate: Bucknell U

Amsciforum 2013-03-10


"...The faculty of Bucknell University grant to Bucknell University limited use of their scholarly articles for the purpose of making these articles open access. Specifically, each faculty member grants Bucknell University a nonexclusive, paid-up, worldwide license for each of his or her scholarly articles for the purpose of making these articles openly accessible in an institutional repository, and grants Bucknell University permission to exercise all rights under copyright for this purpose, as well as to authorize other parties to do the same, provided that the articles are not sold for income or profit. A scholarly article is defined as a peer-reviewed scholarly work published in a journal or in another format that a faculty member determines to be appropriate for his or her particular discipline...." "...To assist in the open distribution of the scholarly articles, faculty members are requested to provide bibliographic information and an electronic copy of each article to the scholarly communications officer, who will be designated by the Vice President for Library and Information Technology. In order to ensure that articles are available in a timely manner, it is recommended that faculty members provide articles within 30 days after the date of publication...."


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Date tagged:

03/10/2013, 12:34

Date published:

10/07/2011, 18:04