DOE: The Importance of Requiring Institutional Repository Deposit Immediately Upon Acceptance for Publication - Open Access Archivangelism
Amsciforum 2014-08-05
DOE and OSTI have been directed by OSTP to adopt a policy that ensures that OA is provided to federally funded research —by 12 months after the date of publication at the very latest. This is not a mandate to adopt a policy that ensures that OA is provided "at the very latest possible date." Yet that is what DOE has done — no doubt under the influenceof the publishing industry lobby. The interests of research and researchers -- and hence of the public that funds the research -- are that the research should be made OA as soon as possible. The interests of (some of) the publishing industry are that it should be made OA as late as possible. The DOA has adopted a policy that serves the interests of the publishing industry rather than those of research, researchers and the tax-paying public. The simplest remedy for this is not necessarily that the permissible OA embargo length needs to be reduced (though that would be extremely welcome and beneficial too!). Even within the constraints of a permissible OA embargo of 12 months at the very latest, there is a simple way to make the DOE policy much more powerful and effective, guaranteeing much more and earlier access. All that has to be done is to make immediate deposit of the author’s final, peer-reviewed draft, in the author’s institutional repository, mandatory immediately upon acceptance.
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