ROARMAP: U. Basel adopts Green OA mandate
Amsciforum 2013-05-02
The University of Basel is a joint signatory to the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities”. It supports and promotes the principle of open electronic access to the publications of its members in the firm belief that this serves the transfer of knowledge and maximizes the efficacy of the research conducted in its facilities.
Researchers at the University of Basel, therefore, publish under consideration of the following guidelines:
- The University operates the edoc document server as an “institutional repository” to provide permanent, visible evidence of its research findings.
- Researchers at the University enter the bibliographical data and full texts of their academic publications in the University research database.
- The full texts are made freely available on edoc via the Internet, where applicable after an embargo period (“green open access”). Where possible, researchers transfer any necessary rights to the University.
- The University is responsible for long-term archiving, permanent access to the full texts and optimal distribution of the metadata.
- The University encourages its researchers to publicize their academic work in an open access journal, provided that a suitable one exists (“gold open access”).
- The University designates the University Library as the point of contact for all questions relating to open access. The University Library manages the edoc document server and is responsible for the ongoing optimization of services, infrastructure and processes.
These guidelines do not restrict freedom of publication or research.