1984, Hungarian Edition - NYTimes.com

Amsciforum 2013-06-17


Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University in New York Times Blog:

The Hungarian parliament recently passed a new national security law that enables the inner circle of the government to spy on people who hold important public offices. Under this law, many government officials must “consent” to being observed in the most intrusive way (phones tapped, homes bugged, email read) for up to two full months each year, except that they won’t know which 60 days they are under surveillance.

Perhaps they will imagine they are under surveillance all of the time. Perhaps that is the point. More than 20 years after Hungary left the world captured in George Orwell’s novel 1984, the surveillance state is back....



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Kim Lane Scheppele

Date tagged:

06/17/2013, 13:09

Date published:

06/17/2013, 09:09