In Defence of Elsevier

Amsciforum 2015-05-27


I beg the OA community to remain reasonable and realistic. Please don't demand that Elsevier agree to immediate CC-BY. If Elsevier did that, I could immediately start up a rival free-riding publishing operation and sell all Elsevier articles immediately at cut rate, for any purpose at all that I could get people to pay for. Elsevier could no longer make a penny from selling the content it invested in. CC-BY-NC-ND is enough for now. It allows immediate harvesting for data-mining. The OA movement must stop shooting itself in the foot by over-reaching, insisting on having it all, immediately, thus instead ending up with next to nothing, as in the past. As I pointed out in a previous posting, the fact that Elsevier requires all authors to adopt CC-BY-NC-ND license is a positive step. Please don't force them to back-pedal! Please read the terms, and reflect.


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05/27/2015, 14:01

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05/27/2015, 10:01