On Horses, Water, and Life-Span - Open Access Archivangelism

Amsciforum 2015-12-02


"I must admit I've lost interest in following the Open Access Derby. All the evidence, all the means and all the stakes are by now on the table, and have been for some time. Nothing new to be learned there. It's just a matter of time till it gets sorted and acted upon; the only lingering uncertainty is about how long that will take, and that is no longer an interesting enough question to keep chewing on, now that all's been said, if not done. Comments on: Richard Poynder (2015) Open Access, Almost-OA, OA Policies, and Institutional Repositories. Open And Shut. December 01, 2015 A few little corrections and suggestions on Richard's paper ..."



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Date tagged:

12/02/2015, 15:51

Date published:

12/02/2015, 09:06