Evolutionarily Stable Strategies

Amsciforum 2016-04-20


What OA needs is not charismatic leaders but lowly keystrokes. The notion of a "flip" to fool's gold is incoherent -- an "evolutionary unstable strategy," bound to undo itself: not only because it requires self-sacrificial double-payment locally as well as unrealistic collaboration among nations, institutions, funders, fields and publishers globally, but because the day after it was miraculously (and hypothetically) attained globally it would immediately invite defection (from nations, institutions, funders, and fields) to save money (invasion by the "cheater strategy"). Subscriptions and gold OA "memberships" are simply incommensurable. The only evolutionarily stable strategy is offloading all but one of the things that publishers traditionally do onto green OA repositories, leaving only the service of peer review to be paid for as fair-gold OA. But that requires universal green OA first, not flipped pre-emptive fool's gold. 



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04/20/2016, 10:24

Date published:

04/20/2016, 06:24