[GOAL] SSRN Sellout to Elsevier

Amsciforum 2016-05-17


Of course we know exactly why Elsevier acquired SSRN (and Mendeley): It's to retain their stranglehold over a domain (peer-reviewed scholarly/scientific research publishing) in which they are no longer needed, and in which they would not even have been able to gain as much as a foothold if it had been born digital, instead of being inherited as a legacy from an obsolete Gutenberg era. I don't know about Arxiv (needless centralization and its concentrated expenses are always vulnerabe to faux-benign take-overs) but what's sure is that the distributed network of Green institutional repositories worldwide is not for sale, and that is their strength...



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Date tagged:

05/17/2016, 21:24

Date published:

05/17/2016, 17:24