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Amsciforum 2017-02-23
Re: Copyright: the immoveable barrier that open access advocates underestimated (Richard Poynder)
Let’s simplify: 1. Stick to peer-reviewed research articles: that’s all FOA is or was ever about. 2. Copyright and re-use rights are and always have been a red herring in the FOA age. 3. All that’s needed is an FOA version of the peer-reviewed research article. 4. That’s the author’s peer-reviewed final draft. 5. The only thing needed from “journals” (or equivalent) is the adjudication and certification of the peer review. 6. That’s a service, not a product: Nothing to “copyright.” 7. To make the current house of copywrit (sic) cards collapse, all authors need do is make 4 (the author’s peer-reviewed final draft FOA (freely accessible online) 8. FOA immediately (upon “acceptance”) and permanently (“FIPATRAFTO”). 9. For the faint-hearted and superstitious, there’s the Copy-Request Button during any (bogus) publisher “embargo” on “OA.” 10. Like Copyright worries (2), Button worries are red herrings. 11. FOA is all that’s needed or was ever needed. 12. Once researchers, their institutions and their funders get round to providing FOA (= “Green, Gratis OA”), Fair Gold “OA” (peer-review service fees) and all the re-use rights researchers need will be within trivial reach. (Waiting for researchers, their institutions and their funders to get their heads around this and to set their fingers in motion continues to be yawningly boring; please wake me when they get round to it...)