Significant success for global Open Access movement
Amsciforum 2013-08-06
“The adoption of a Green Open Access Mandate by the University of California, one of the biggest universities in the US - actually 10 universities - follows on the heels of the directive by President Obama to the 20 biggest federal research funding councils to mandate Green OA.
“This is a welcome and timely counterweight to the recent retrograde steps by Research Councils UK toward squandering scarce UK research funds on paying instead for Gold OA publishing. Fortunately, HEFCE's proposed Green OA mandate for eligibility for REF 2020, if adopted, will again put the UK back in the worldwide lead in the OA sweepstakes.”
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.comOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amsciforum