OA Growth Monitoring Needs Google Data-Mining Exemption

Amsciforum 2013-08-23


For systematic ongoing monitoring of the global time-course of OA growth across institutions, disciplines and nations, hand-sampling is excruciatingly difficult and time-consuming, holding research that could greatly benefit the worldwide research community (as well as Google and Google Scholar) to a scale and pace that is more suitable for a doctoral dissertation.
Historically speaking, if a few projects designed to monitor the ongoing global growth and distribution of OA were allowed to do machine data-mining in Google space, the growth rate of OA would be dramatically accelerated (and thereby also the size and functionality of Google Scholar space).
Otherwise, efforts to enrich Google Scholar space are relegated to the same fate as attempts to enrich vendors, spammers, napsters or phishermen.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amsciforum


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Date tagged:

08/23/2013, 12:16

Date published:

08/23/2013, 08:16