ROARMAP: Deaking University Adopts Green OA Self-Archiving Mandate

Amsciforum 2013-09-17


All refereed publications by University researchers in conferences, journals and books are to be deposited in the Deakin Research Online (DRO) repository and in so doing researchers agree to the terms and conditions of the Deakin Research Online (DRO) Deposit Agreement. All research publications will be made open access, available to anyone on the web, except where this is restricted by copyright law and publisher policy. If researchers wish material to not be made publicly available they must lodge a request for it to be confidential.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Amsciforum


Date tagged:

09/17/2013, 23:32

Date published:

09/17/2013, 19:32