Openness Probe for the SSP Scholarly Scullery - Open Access Archivangelism
Amsciforum 2013-09-27
1. No suggestion made that institutions cannot or should not cancel journals if their articles are all or almost all Green. (No such journal in sight yet, however, apart from some parts of Physics -- but there it's already been the case for over 20 years, and no cancellations in sight. For the rest, when Green OA -- which grows anarchically, article by article, not systematically, journal by journal -- prevails universally, because Green OA mandates prevail, all or most journal articles will be Green universally, so Green OA will not be a factor in deciding whether to cancel this journal rather than that one.) 2. The issue with Rick was not about the notion of canceling journals because their articles are all or almost all Green, but about cancelling journals (60%) because they do not have a policy of embargoing Green OA. 3. And such a perverse cancellation policy would not be a setback for Green OA but for OA.