All That Glitters: Wiley's Bob Campbell on Gold & Green OA
Amsciforum 2013-10-10
Bob Campbell conflates no-embargo publishers with one-year embargo publishers as both being "one-year-or-less embargo-publishers." Bob also conflates subscription journals that offer hybrid Gold as an option with pure-Gold journals as both being "Gold-or-hybrid-Gold" journals: 70% already! We're almost there…! I rather suspect that that's publishers that offer hybrid Gold, not journals. That means that even if only one (or not even one) of the articles in one of a publisher's fleet of (say) 2000 journals offering the hybrid option is actually paid/made hybrid Gold, then all those 2000journals are part of the happy 70%... Bob says that if publication costs are paid for via subscriptions, for institutional access, and then some of those same articles are again paid for via hybrid Gold fees, for worldwide access, then that's not double-dipping: that's just fair payment for two different products! To be fair, though, the impatient rights-rhapsodists -- who scorn mere Green and insist instead on re-use rights, at all costs (CC-BY-all-means), right now -- do provide Bob with the ideal pretext for claiming that hybrid Gold is indeed paying for a further product after all (82%!)...