"Web Science and the Mind" - Montreal July 7-18 2014

Amsciforum 2013-10-31


Partial list of speakers: Katy Borner (graphic webs of science) Simon Dedeo (Wikipedia collective dynamics) Sergey Dorogovtsev (network evolution) Peter Gloor (collaborative networks Jennfer Golbeck (social web) Deborah Gordon (collective behaviour) Wendy Hall (web science) Jim Hendler (data web) Tony Hey (science web) Francis Heylighen (global brain) Kaivan Kousha (webmetrics) Richard Menary (extended mind) Alexandre Monnin (web philosophy Neylon Cameron (open science data-minin Takashi Nishikawa (community structur) Filippo Radicchi (network communities) Rob Rupert (extended mind ) Judith Simon (socio-technical epistemology) Mark Steyvers (wisdom of crowds) Jeff Stibel (web & brain) Phil Tetlow (web life)



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Date tagged:

10/31/2013, 11:21

Date published:

10/31/2013, 07:21