Alert: Coordinated action from Big Publishing Lobby in UK & Netherlands
Amsciforum 2013-11-16
Finch II has obviously timed its press release Monday to coincide with a similar one from the other home-base of Reed-Elsevier, the Netherlands:
Here are some quick Google Translation excerpts from just-released the Dutch Gold OA Manifesto, clearly timed to coincide with Finch II's reaffirmation of its Gold preference, for which the Press Release will appear tomorrow.
I'll comment on Finch II shortly. The publishing Lobby is obviously in overdrive -- Gold mandates, pre-emptive payment, hybrid Gold, Extended Big Deals to sustain current revenue levels during "transition"… ---
But don't worry, there is neither the money nor the imbecility worldwide to buy into such a publisher fantasy scheme. It is no coincidence that this drive is coming from UK & Netherlands where the big publishers and their lobbyists are based. (in the US, all they have is the FIRST Act.) The nuclear weapon that will defend against this is…: The Immediate-Deposit Mandate & Button...
Excerpts from