Finch II defends Finch I (but HEFCE/REF to the Rescue, as recommended by BIS)

Amsciforum 2013-11-20


The Finch review now endorses the importance of author choice, which is also reflected in the funding councils’ draft open-access mandate for the research excellence framework.  The HEFCE draft open-access mandate thereby effectively fixes the Finch/RCUK mandate by requiring immediate institutional deposit, whether the author chooses gold or green, and whether or not access to the immediate-deposit is made immediately open access or CC-BY.  This not only ensures that the RCUK open access mandate will be successful, but it immunizes it against the following "Publishers' Fantasy Scenario"...


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Tags: bis oa.finch_report oa.rcuk

Date tagged:

11/20/2013, 21:58

Date published:

11/20/2013, 16:58