Finch II: "Our Mind's Made Up: Don't Confuse Us With Facts" - ePrints Soton

Amsciforum 2013-11-27


The working group which first released the Finch Report on expanding access to published research in June 2012 has issued a new progress update. Following the UK government’s unilateral acceptance of these recommendations, criticisms have mounted against this so-called ‘push for Gold Open Access’. Stevan Harnad responds to the new document from the Finch Group (hereafter referred to as Finch II), arguing that this review has largely failed to address the most pressing criticisms of the original.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amsciforum

Tags: bis oa.hefce oa.finch_report oa.rcuk

Date tagged:

11/27/2013, 22:08

Date published:

11/27/2013, 17:08