Beall needlessly compromises credibility of Beall's list: "OA is anti-capitalism conspiracy!"

Amsciforum 2013-12-09


This wacky article is going to be fun to review. I still think Jeff Beall is doing something useful with his naming and shaming of junk OA journals, but I now realize that he is driven by some sort of fanciful conspiracy theory! "OA is all an anti-capitlist plot." (Even on a quick skim it is evident that Jeff's article is rife with half-truths, errors and downright nonsense. Pity. It will diminish the credibility of his valid exposés, but maybe this is a good thing, if the judgment and motivation behind Beall's list is as kooky as this article! But alas it will now also give the genuine "predatory" junk-journals some specious arguments for discrediting Jeff's work altogether. Of course it will also give the publishing lobby some good sound-bites, but they use them at their peril, because of all the other nonsense in which they are nested!) 
Before I do a critique later today), I want to post some tidbits to set the stage...


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Tags: jeffrey beall oa.negative

Date tagged:

12/09/2013, 10:19

Date published:

12/09/2013, 05:19