About the Repository - ROARMAP
Amsciforum 2014-02-17
Each officer and other professional staff member within CUL/IS hereby commits to make his or her scholarly journal articles accessible to the public through a digital repository based at Columbia University or through an appropriate alternative open-access repository.
Each officer or other professional staff member who is the author or co-author of a work of scholarship (see the scope of works as defined below) shall submit to the digital repository based at Columbia University (the current repository is known as Academic Commons), a copy of such work, together with any bibliographic or citation information. The author hereby grants to The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to all such works of scholarship, created after the adoption of this resolution, solely for the purpose of providing and maintaining public access to them. This resolution does not alter copyright ownership rights determined in accordance with law or the Columbia University Copyright Policy. Many scholars based at Columbia University currently make some or all of their works available through other publicly accessible repositories such as arXiv or PubMed Central. In lieu of submission of a work to Academic Commons, an author may satisfy the terms of this resolution by making such work available through an alternative repository of the author’s choosing, provided that such repository makes the work accessible in full-text to the public, without costs or other restrictions (other than customary embargoes) imposed on any individual user, and that it offers to preserve and maintain access to the work indefinitely.
If accessibility of a work pursuant to this resolution is ultimately incompatible with the author’s plans for publication, or with the publisher’s contractual obligations, the author may request in writing a waiver or postponement of obligations under this resolution, and such request shall be granted. Columbia University shall implement a means for receiving and fulfilling such requests for waivers or postponements.