HEFCE/REF Adopts Optimal Complement to RCUK OA Mandate - Open Access Archivangelism

Amsciforum 2014-03-31


There are two essential components to an effective “Green” OA mandate (i.e., one that generates as close to 100% compliance, as soon as possible): (1) The mandate must uncouple the date of deposit from the date the deposit is made OA, requiring immediate deposit, with no exemptions or exceptions. How long an OA embargo it allows is a separate matter, but on no account must date of deposit be allowed to be contingent on publisher OA embargoes. This is exactly what the New HEFCE policy for open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework has done. (2) Eligibility for research assessment (and funding) must be made conditional on immediate-deposit (date-stamped by the journal acceptance letter). Again, this is in order to ensure that deposits are not made months or years after publication: no retrospective deposit The deposit requirement for eligibility for research assessment and funding is not itself an OA requirement, it is merely a procedural requirement: For eligibility, papers must be deposited in the institutional repository immediately upon acceptance for publication. Late deposits are not eligible for consideration. This engages each university (always extremely anxious to comply fully with REF, HEFCE and RCUK eligibility rules) in ensuring that deposit is timely, with the help of the date-stamped acceptance letter throughout the entire 6-year REF cycle, 2014-2020.



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Date tagged:

03/31/2014, 08:28

Date published:

03/31/2014, 05:05