Be Sensible: Don't Fall for Publisher Pseudo-Legal Double-Talk and Bogus Pseudo-Distinctions - Open Access Archivangelism
Amsciforum 2014-04-16
"Taylor & Francis Green OA Self-Archiving Policy is just fine for OA needs:
3.2 Retained rights. In assigning Taylor & Francis or the journal proprietor copyright, or granting an exclusive license to publish, you retain: the right to post your Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) on your departmental or personal website at any point after publication of your article.
I.e., no OA embargo.
As for the later hedge:
Embargoes apply… if you are posting the AAM to an institutional... repository.
Ignore this completely.
The author’s institutional repository (IR)is the author’s institutional website. Period.
Authors and institutions: Please don’t prolong the needless, empty, pseudo-legal nonsense and subterfuge that has been holding back OA for decades. Ignore the phoney, groundless distinction among labelled disk-sectors in your institutional website and self-archive your final draft in your IR immediately upon acceptance (as HEFCE/REF2020 & EC/Horizon2020 require), and make it OA immediately ..."
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