Elsevier Tries To Sort Itself Out... - Open Access Archivangelism

Amsciforum 2014-06-09


Confusion is caused by Elsevier's more recent attempts to add some pseudo-legal hedges to its Green OA policy, to the effect that Elsevier's authors retain the right to do everything Karen Hunter specified in 2004 except if they are required to exercise that right (by their institutions), in which they may not do it. That is every bit as absurd as SHERPA's green/blue distinction, and can and should also be ignored by all authors. But you wanted to learn more... I think that today, the 10th anniversary of the Elsevier Green OA Policy, would be an excellent day to publicly scrap the empty hedges and re-assert the very progressive and constructive Elsevier Policy as it was and is. The hedges just cause gratuitous confusion and are very bad for Elsevier's image...



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06/09/2014, 08:57

Date published:

06/09/2014, 04:57