CARES survey results
Poweshiek CARES 2013-03-15
Doug Caulkins has provided detailed summary of the results (through December 2012) of the survey of CARES members that he and Elena Gardner prepared and distributed. They found that, as a group, CARES members ranked the various problems related to industrial confinement operations as follows, in order of importance:
- Potential pollution of air and water sources neglects our responsibility to future generation of Iowans
- Legislature fails to take scientific studies of environmental impact of CAFOs into account
- Legislature fails to take scientific studies of health impacts of CAFOs into account
- DNR and EPC appear to support corporate interests over local citizen interest
- The process for applying for site permit (Master Matrix system) is flawed in that it is currently too lenient
- Lack of control at the local (county) level of the siting of hog confinements
- CAFOs contribute to development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens that are harmful for humans
- Increased rates of respiratory illness
- Odor restricts lifestyle
- Widespread use of large CAFOs undermines profitability of family farms
- Local economic growth is controlled by out-of-state corporations
- CAFOs limit freedoms of community members
- Decrease of property values
- May impair health of confinement laborers
- Odor discourages patronage of nearby businesses
- Tendency to use non-local suppliers
- CAFO-raised animals tend to be unhealthy food for humans
- Discourages people from moving here