CARES survey results

Poweshiek CARES 2013-03-15


Doug Caulkins has provided detailed summary of the results (through December 2012) of the survey of CARES members that he and Elena Gardner prepared and distributed. They found that, as a group, CARES members ranked the various problems related to industrial confinement operations as follows, in order of importance:

  1. Potential pollution of air and water sources neglects our responsibility to future generation of Iowans
  2. Legislature fails to take scientific studies of environmental impact of CAFOs into account
  3. Legislature fails to take scientific studies of health impacts of CAFOs into account
  4. DNR and EPC appear to support corporate interests over local citizen interest
  5. The process for applying for site permit (Master Matrix system) is flawed in that it is currently too lenient
  6. Lack of control at the local (county) level of the siting of hog confinements
  7. CAFOs contribute to development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens that are harmful for humans
  8. Increased rates of respiratory illness
  9. Odor restricts lifestyle
  10. Widespread use of large CAFOs undermines profitability of family farms
  11. Local economic growth is controlled by out-of-state corporations
  12. CAFOs limit freedoms of community members
  13. Decrease of property values
  14. May impair health of confinement laborers
  15. Odor discourages patronage of nearby businesses
  16. Tendency to use non-local suppliers
  17. CAFO-raised animals tend to be unhealthy food for humans
  18. Discourages people from moving here


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Gudgeon and gist ยป Poweshiek CARES



John Stone

Date tagged:

03/15/2013, 12:15

Date published:

01/12/2013, 21:32