Dominant discourse.
Antarctica Starts Here. » Antarctica Starts Here. 2013-08-19
Since the NSA revelations began coming a couple of times a week for the past month, an all too common set of dialogues has been cropping up again and again and again in practically every forum that one would care to visit. While the discussion itself isn't perfectly replicated the overall pattern is. It goes something like this:
- Brief description of vulnerability. Mitigating tactic.
- Mention of a vulnerability elsewhere in the user's system.
- Description of a slightly more esoteric vulnerability.
- Use another system.
- Encrypt everything.
- Quantum computer.
- Use Tor.
- Tor can't protect against country-level surveillance.
- NSA backdoor.
- The NSA has thousands of 0-day exploits stockpiled for everything from my Commodore-64 to Cray Unicos.
- Mention of a highly esoteric hardware level attack.
- Malware used to surreptitiously dump contents of RAM, including crypto keys.
- Evil Maid Attack.
- Mention of a backdoored software development chain compromising the software as it's compiled.
- See? I told you! NSA backdoor!
- Open source software is safer.
- CryptoCat vulnerability that received stupid amounts of press coverage.
- Mention of circuitry backdoored at the factory.
- Link to unclassified US military research paper about backdoored circuitry discovered in the field.
- We're all screwed.
- User never posts again, presumably because they've given up on the Internet.