Fall 2011 version thanks to Automator and PDFpen

Applied Discrete Structures 2013-03-15

The first ten chapters are now bundled together into one pdf for the first time, including the solutions to odd-numbered exercises. The biggest improvement is that the pages are numbered from 1 to 309. Thought I'd document the process for future reference. Here are the steps: Procedure for creating one pdf for 92.321 1. Run Workflow "Build_OnePDF_321" using Automator. This pulls out the files in the right order and saves the combined files into a single pdf. 2. Open the resulting pdf in PDFpen 3. Run an Applescript I call "Number_Pages_KL_odd_even" that numbers the pages alternately on the bottom right and left. 4. Annotate front page with semester-specific information. That's it. With the software executing the workflows, producing the final pdf takes only a few minutes, most of it in step 4.