The Symmetry of My UnAmerican McCarthyist Cancer
Bradley M. Kuhn's Blog ( bkuhn ) 2013-03-15
In mid-2001, after working for FSF part-time for the prior year and a half, I'd actually just started working at FSF full-time. I'd recently relocated to Cambridge, MA to work on-site at the FSF offices. The phone started ringing. The aggressive Microsoft attacks had started; the press wanted to know FSF's response. First, Ballmer'd said the GPL was a cancer. Then, Allchin said it was unAmerican1. Then, Bill Gates added (rather pointlessly and oddly) that it was a pac-man that eats up your business. Microsoft even shopped weird talking-points to the press as part of their botched political axe-job on FSF.
FSF staffing levels have always been small, but FSF was even smaller then. I led a staff of four to respond to the near constant press inquiries for the entire summer. We coordinated speaking engagements for RMS related to the attacks, and got transcripts published. We did all the stuff that you do when the wealthiest corporation in the world decides it wants to destroy a small 501(c)(3) charity that publishes a license that fosters software sharing. From my point of view, I'll admit now that I was, back then, in slightly over my head: this was my first-ever non-software-development job. I was new to politics, new to management, new to just about everything that I needed to do to lead the response to something like that. I learned fast; hopefully it was fast enough.
The experience made a huge impression on me. I got quickly comfortable to the idea that, if you work for a radical social justice cause, there's always someone powerful attacking your political positions, but if you believe your cause is just and what you're doing is right, you'll survive. I found that good non-profit work is indeed something that just one of us can do against all that money and power trying to crush us into roaches0. Non-profit work really was the dream career I'd always wanted.
Still, the experience left me permanently distrustful of Microsoft. I've tried to kept an open mind, and watch for potential change in behavior. I admittedly don't think Microsoft became a friend to Free Software in the 11 years since they put me through the wringer during what was almost literally my first day on the job as FSF's Executive Director (a position I ultimately held until 2005). But, I am now somewhat sure Microsoft's executives aren't hatching new plans to kill copyleft every morning anymore. Indeed, I was excited this week to see that my colleagues at the Samba Project acknowledged Microsoft's help in creating documentation that allowed Samba to implement compatibility with Active Directory. Even I have to admit that companies do change, and sometimes a little bit for the better.
But, companies don't always change for the better. Over an even shorter period, I've watched another company get worse at almost the same rate as Microsoft's improving.
Specifically, this week, Mark Shuttleworth of Canonical, Ltd. said that those of us who stand strongly against proprietary software device drivers are insecure McCarthyists. I wonder if Mark realized the irony of using the term McCarthyism to refer to the same people who Microsoft