Last Chance to Submit for 2020 FOSS License Policy Events

Bradley M. Kuhn's Blog ( bkuhn ) 2019-11-17


I ask that everyone give a thought to proposing at session at one (or both) of two great events on the Open Source and Free Software calendar: the FOSDEM Legal and Policy DevRoom and Copyleft Conf. Both CFPs close tomorrow!

I've been co-organizing the Legal and Policy DevRoom, along with my colleagues Tom Marble, Richard Fontana, and Karen Sandler for the last eight years. Copyleft Conf grew out of this event a few years ago because there was excitement by attendees for another on in Brussels after FOSDEM for more specific content about copyleft policy and licensing.

This year, the DevRoom is taking a new, experimental approach: we're looking for proposals for debates. Take a look at the CFP and see if you'd be willing to take a position (pro or con) on some important issue of debate in Free Software, and perhaps submit a proposal to join a debate team.

Copyleft Conf will be a more traditional conference at an urgent time in copyleft history. This past year, there has been an increasing push by companies and VC-friendly lawyers to redefine the future of copyleft to serve the interests of powerful companies rather than individual users. I hope Copyleft Conf 2020 will be a premier venue to have community-oriented discussion about how copyleft can help users and developers gain more software freedom.


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Authors: (Bradley M. Kuhn)

Date tagged:

11/17/2019, 14:39

Date published:

11/16/2019, 08:00