Ok, Be Afraid if Someone's Got a Voltmeter Hooked to Your CPU

Bradley M. Kuhn's Blog ( bkuhn ) 2013-09-07


Boy, do I hate it when a FLOSS project is given a hard time unfairly. I was this morning greeted with news from many places that OpenSSL, one of the most common FLOSS software libraries used for cryptography, was somehow severely vulnerable.

I had a hunch what was going on. I quickly downloaded a copy of the academic paper that was cited as the sole source for the story and read it. As I feared, OpenSSL was getting some bad press unfairly. One must really read this academic computer science article in the context it was written; most commenting about this paper probably did not.

First of all, I don't claim to be an expert on cryptography, and I think my knowledge level to opine on this subject remains limited to a little blog post like this and nothing more. Between college and graduate school, I worked as a system administrator focusing on network security. While a computer science graduate student, I did take two cryptography courses, two theory of computation courses, and one class on complexity theory0. So, when compared to the general population I probably am an expert, but compared to people who actually work in cryptography regularly, I'm clearly a novice. However, I suspect many who have hitherto opined about this academic article to declare this severe vulnerability have even less knowledge than I do on the subject.

This article, of course, wasn't written for novices like me, and certainly not for the general public nor the technology press. It was written by and for professional researchers who spend much time each week reading dozens of these academic papers, a task I haven't done since graduate school. Indeed, the paper is written in a style I know well; my “welcome to CS graduate school” seminar in 1997 covered the format well.

The first thing you have to note about such papers is that informed readers generally ignore the parts that a newbie is most likely focus on: the Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion sections. These sections are promotional materials; they are equivalent to a sales brochure selling you on how important and groundbreaking the research is. Some research is groundbreaking, of course, but most is an incremental step forward toward understanding some theoretical concept, or some report about an isolated but interesting experimental finding.

Unfortunately, these promotional parts of the paper are the sections that focus on the negative implications for OpenSSL. In the rest of the paper, OpenSSL is merely the software component of the experiment equipment. They likely could have used GNU TLS or any other implementation of RSA taken from a book on cryptography1. But this fact is not even the primary reason that this article isn't really that big of a deal for daily use of cryptography.

The experiment described in the paper is very difficult to reproduce. You have to cause very subtle faults in computation at specific times. As I understand it, they had to assemble a specialized hardware copy of a SPARC-based GNU/Linux environment to accomplish the experiment.

Next, the data generated during the run of the software on the specially-constructed faulty hardware must be collected and operated upon by a parallel processing computing environment over the course of many hours. If it turns out all the needed data was gathered, the output of this whole process is the private RSA key.

The details of the fault generation process deserve special mention. Very specific faults have to occur, and they can't occur such that any other parts of the computation (such as, say, the normal running of the operating system) are interrupted or corrupted. This is somewhat straightforward to get done in a lab environment, but accomplishing it in a production situation would be impractical and improbable. It would also usually require physical access to the hardware holding the private key. Such physical access would, of course, probably give you the private key anyway by simply copying it off the hard drive or out of RAM!

This is interesting research, and it does suggest some changes that might be useful. For example, if it doesn't slow a system down too much, the integrity of RSA signatures should be verified, on a closely controlled proxy unit with a separate CPU, before sending out to a wider audience. But even that would be a process only for the mo



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Date tagged:

09/07/2013, 04:33

Date published:

03/05/2010, 12:35