Reminder: csstudents mailing list
Computer Science 2014-08-28
Do you get all of your news about CS at Grinnell from the Web site, from class announcements, or from conversations with friends? If so, you may be missing out on some things. The department maintains a mailing list of folks interested in CS at Grinnell. In addition to the announcements you see here, the mailing list includes notes from the Student Educational Policy Committee (SEPC) about events they've scheduled; information about internships, jobs, and other opportunities that the CS faculty have received and want to pass along; and a variety of other useful bits of information. I expect that Grinnell's student ACM chapter will also use the mailing list to communicate their many exciting new activities.
All CS majors should automatically be on the list, but it is also open to all interested students. If you would like to be on the "csstudents" mailing list, send an email to Sam Rebelsky,, and he'll get you added.