CS Table 2/20/18: Privacy, Security, and Revenue on the Web
Computer Science 2018-02-19
We will consider the implications of two models that websites can use to generate revenue from their users: advertising and cryptocurrency mining. Advertising has been a popular model for website operators to generate revenue even though visitors do not pay to access their content, but advertising has some significant problems with security and privacy. We’ll explore these problems, look at two new approaches, and think generally about how web companies should generate the revenue they need to pay their bills while respecting and protecting their users.
While there are many excellent articles on the wide variety of issues related to this topic, the first three readings listed should serve as a good foundation for our discussion. The additional optional readings raise some important issues that we hope to touch on in the discussion, so take a look at one or two that interest you.
- Kate Cox. Five Things We’ve Learned About How Companies Track You Online and Off. Consumerist. Jan 25, 2017.
- Alan Toner. The False Teeth of Chrome's Ad Filter. The Electronic Frontier Foundation. Feb 15, 2018.
- Jon Brodkin. Salon to ad blockers: Can we use your browser to mine cryptocurrency?. Ars Technica. Feb 13, 2018.
Additional readings:
- Peter Eckersley. How Online Tracking Companies Know Most of What You Do Online (and What Social Networks Are Doing to Help Them). The Electronic Frontier Foundation. Sep 21, 2009.
- Jennifer Langston. For $1000, anyone can purchase online ads to track your location and app use. University of Washington News. Oct 18, 2017.
- Mike Orcutt. Hijacking Computers to Mine Cryptocurrency Is All the Rage. MIT Technology Review. Oct 5, 2017.
- Panopticlick 3.0: Is your browser safe against tracking?. The Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Coinhive: A Crypto Miner for your Website.
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