CS Table 4/17/2018: Oracle v. Google Ruling
Computer Science 2018-04-18
We will revisit the Oracle v. Google case after the recent appeals ruling in favor of Oracle. We will look at the circumstances surrounding the case, revisit definitions of patent and copyright, and try to understand what the ramifications of this decision are for users of Java, Android, open-source software, and the tech sector as a whole.
There are four readings, but if you are pressed for time, we recommend "A Brief History of Oracle v. Google" first and then reviewing the definitions of "Trademark, Patent, and Copyright" as needed.
- A brief article to review the concepts of trademark, patent, and copyright: Trademark, Patent, or Copyright? United States Patent and Trademark Office.
- Read this article to learn about the most recent decision in Oracle v. Google: Susan Decker. Google Could Owe Oracle $8.8 Billion in Android Fight. March 27, 2018. Bloomberg Technology.
- A summary of the history of the Oracle v. Google case: Jonathan Bailey. A Brief History of Oracle v. Google. March 29, 2018. Plagiarism Today.
- For more depth, dive into Wikipedia's history and background on the case: Oracle America, Inc. v. Google, Inc. Wikipedia.
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