A Possible Revision of Grinnell's CS Curriculum and Major
Computer Science 2013-11-07
Grinnell's CS faculty regularly reviews and updates the CS curriculum in response to curricular recommendations, feedback from alumni, and discussions with colleagues around the country. For example, over several semesters, the faculty has drawn upon feedback in discussing alternative approaches for team-based, project courses.
Also since 2010, the major professional computing societies, ACM and IEEE-CS, have been working toward new curricular recommendations for undergraduate CS. The forthcoming recommendations propose adjustments in some areas (e.g., programming languages) and substantial expansion in others (e.g., security).
Recently, synergy between these two efforts has led to a proposal for substantial changes in Grinnell's CS program, including some course revisions, new courses in emerging areas, and increased flexibility in the major.
The CS faculty will present current ideas for a revised CS curriculum and major on Monday, November 11, 2013, at 4:30 in Science 3821, with refreshments served at 4:15 pm in the CS Commons. Everyone interested in computing is encouraged to attend.
Feedback on the draft curriculum and major will be encouraged!