Thursday Extra: "Summer opportunities in computer science"

Computer Science 2013-12-20


On Thursday, December 5, in Noyce 3821, Professor Sam Rebelsky and the other faculty of the Department of Computer Science will speak on summer opportunities in CS:

It may be hard to believe given the forthcoming sub-freezing temperatures, but it's about time to starting thinking about what you're going to do this coming summer (and maybe even in subsequent summers). If you enjoy computer science (or at least computer programming), summer is an opportunity to explore new approaches, to develop new skills, and perhaps even to make some money. But what kinds of things can you do? While students tend to focus on a few options (e.g., research with faculty), a wide variety of opportunities are available. In this session, we will discuss goals you might set for the summer and some opportunities that can help you achieve those goals.

Refreshments will be served at 4:15 p.m. in the Computer Science Commons (Noyce 3817). Professor Rebelsky's talk, “Summer opportunities in computer science,” will begin at 4:30. Everyone is welcome to attend!


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Date tagged:

12/20/2013, 07:07

Date published:

12/05/2013, 11:43