These Businesses and Corporations are Not Your Friends

Copyfight 2014-07-07


So opines John Scalzi, as he ticks off which of the parties in the Amazon/Hachette dispute he is in business with. Scalzi's point is that this is a situation in which some very large corporations are maneuvering to increase their profits. Nobody, no matter how good-hearted they are, is in this business to run a charity.

Therefore, he argues, anyone doing business with them needs to treat it as a business arrangement. If you are an author and Amazon is doing well by you, then that's great - continue doing business with them. If you are a reader and are unhappy that Amazon is making it hard to get certain books then take your business elsewhere. But whatever you do, treat it as a business proposition, not a personal/emotional proposition.


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Gudgeon and gist ยป Copyfight



Date tagged:

07/07/2014, 19:00

Date published:

07/07/2014, 14:38