Lest You Had Any Doubts, the ALA is on the Right Side Again

Copyfight 2014-07-21


I got an update from American Library Association (ALA) letting me know that they had joined with other higher education and library organization to file a joint comment to the FCC in support of net neutrality.

This should serve to remind everyone that while the Internet is perhaps the most amazing commercial platform yet invented, it's also an information access mechanism for schools, for libraries, for communities, and for the public. As such it needs not to have "paid prioritization" and it needs rules that allow us to choose what we get, not the cable companies. The Internet has a public, an educational, and democratic imperatives that are every bit as important as its commercial imperative and don't you forget it.



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Gudgeon and gist ยป Copyfight


laws and regulations

Date tagged:

07/21/2014, 19:20

Date published:

07/21/2014, 13:50