The Story of the Beginning of the Digital Revolution

Copyfight 2013-05-24


That's kind of grandiose, but I think it's fitting. Today brings the first trailer for a retrospective documentary on Napster, hard on the heels of reporting from TorretFreak that the RIAA is losing money, laying people off, and slowly going out of business. The Cartel's scorched-earth campaign bought it some time, but in the end the demise of the old model and its complacent assumptions was inevitable. Stories are often told in chapters and I see these two news items as bookends on the first chapter. If I was forced to pick, I would choose Amanda Palmer's Kickstarter as the first part of Chapter 2.


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big thoughts

Date tagged:

05/24/2013, 14:10

Date published:

05/24/2013, 11:17