Yep, DRM Sucks and is used for Bad Things

Copyfight 2014-10-09


If you have not been following the "Adobe is spying on its readers" story this week, let me recommend "The Digital Reader" to you.

In their first piece, they reported on how Adobe was spying on people by collecting data about users' eBook Libraries. Then, after Adobe finally got around to issuing a half-assed statement defending its practices, they published another piece pointing out that Adobe is, at best, using half-truths to try and deflect criticism.

Like, yes, it's true you could have learned that Adobe was doing this if you (a) thought Adobe were total slime and (b) were willing to look on Adobe's Web site for documents showing exactly how slimy their policies are.

TDR's latest piece, from yesterday, reports that Bluefire does not engage in these practices. Bluefire makes Epub Adobe-compatible applications, but seems to have a much more enlightened view of user privacy.


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Date tagged:

10/09/2014, 19:00

Date published:

10/09/2014, 17:07