CBS to HBO: Wait for Us!

Copyfight 2014-10-17


Well, this is a surprise: broadcast network CBS has announced it too will offer a subscription service. This is good news and bad news. First, it's good that CBS is figuring out the same logic that finally hit HBO: significant (if not all) viewership growth is going to happen online. Freeing up viewers and programs from cable monopoly lockdowns is good.

The bad is that there's a limited number of spaces to be had and a limited number of subscriptions that any one person is going to want. You will likely be able to pay for quite a few subscription for the cost of a yearly cable bill but I suspect we'll see rapid consolidation in this market - there should be one place to go to pay for your Big Bang Theory AND your Game of Thrones. The logical next step is for someone (and my money is on Amazon right now) to aggregate these offerings.


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ip markets and monopolies

Date tagged:

10/17/2014, 15:20

Date published:

10/17/2014, 10:58