MSFT to Region-Lock Xbox One on Launch

Copyfight 2013-06-16


Microsoft seems to be all about the DRM with its latest entry into the consumer market. It is now confirmed (here reddit dissects the official Xbox Twitter feed) that only 21 countries will be able to use the console on launch. Notably this "region coding" splits up the EU - most countries are in but some are out - and it also excludes Poland, the development home of The Witcher game series, a title Microsoft touted in its E3 launch presentation. Yes, that's right, the developers of this Xbox launch title will not be able to play the game they developed. I generally find it wise to assume that Microsoft are not stupid, but whatever their plan is, it's eluding me here. Sony was quick to announce that its competitive product, the PS4, would not be region-locked.


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Gudgeon and gist ยป Copyfight


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Date tagged:

06/16/2013, 03:20

Date published:

06/14/2013, 13:43