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Copyfight 2013-06-20
About a week after its bizarre attempt to make the Xbox One as gamer-hostile as possible and in the face of a slew of criticism from all sides Microsoft has publicly climbed down from the ledge and said it now sees reason. In a news post on the Xbox.com site, the company announced a reversal of its previous policies requiring always-on Internet and doing away with its obstacles to used games - at least, used games with discs. Since gaming discs are going the way of the dodo that's not a huge change. The status of region-locking is less clear - the posting says you can "take your Xbox One anywhere you want" but the region lock was based on the company's hosted service Xbox Live not offering certain titles in certain countries. That appears still to be in place, in which case EU regulators may want to have a word with Redmond. Again.