Apple and Samsung Gave Judge Koh A Tech Tutorial in Feb. 14th Hearing in Apple v Samsung II ~pj

Groklaw 2013-03-15


On February 14, Apple and Samsung met with the Hon. Lucy Koh, who is presiding over their current patent dispute in Apple v. Samsung II, in the very same courtroom where she presided over their first patent litigation in San Jose, CA back in August. The purpose was to go over the parties' claims in the patents they say are infringed, explaining to her how the technology works. This is in preparation for the upcoming Markman hearing next month, where they will argue officially over what the terms in the claims mean. We had a volunteer in the courtroom, and we have that report for you.

Meanwhile, in Apple v. Samsung I, which is still going on, the parties will be arguing before the Federal Circuit on March 26, as both parties believe the magistrate judge is threatening to unseal too many documents in that case, and things are on hold until the appeals court decides who is right. So far, that is about the only thing the parties *do* agree on, that the magistrate has gone too far. Here's Apple's supplemental appeal brief [PDF] on that issue of sealing from Apple v Samsung I. William Lee of Wilmer Cutler will argue [PDF] for Apple on March 26, and Victoria F. Maroulis of Quinn Emanuel will argue [PDF] for Samsung. That's at 10 AM on March 26 at the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, DC.

If you are getting confused, so is everybody. The judge even asked at the February 14th hearing in Apple II if it didn't make good sense to put that case on hold until they get a ruling from the Federal Circuit on Apple I, the other appeal in Apple I, the one Apple filed about Judge Koh's refusal to order a permanent injunction against Samsung, which you'll find here.

I do wish Apple would spend this much time and money and heart into creating new products instead of throwing it to the winds like this. This litigation never seems to resolve anything that matters, and only the lawyers are having any fun.


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Date tagged:

03/15/2013, 12:20

Date published:

02/19/2013, 17:02