Grinnell ITS Project Priority List - ITAP Progress

Jottings from Ray Kuntz, Director of ITS 2013-03-15

A previous post (Restructuring, Refreshing, Revitalizing) highlighted the Project Governance process. The Project Governance process is facilitated by the ITAP Committee (Information Technology Assessment and Planning Committee) and is missioned with creating a priority order, an agenda, for Grinnell's IT project initiatives. Committee members were named in the previous post. ITAP had its second meeting yesterday. I need to say how grateful I am for this group. We have the right team representing our divisions. The committee members are engaged (at the right level), prepared, and involved. They bring us the cross divisional insights that we seek as we prioritize our project backlog. Wonder where your pet project is falling on the priority list? You can keep track of it at: . This week the committee members will rank the top 5 projects. We will publish those in a little over a week. We will then begin a fairly detailed review of each of these projects. The sponsoring functional division will present the project. There will be time for Q&A. Then, the committee will score the project and the project sponsor will receive immediate feedback on the project's priority. Ultimately...within a month or two...the scrubbed, prioritized, project list will be presented to Senior Staff for consideration and funding. Funded projects will be forward loaded into the ITS Resource Management plan...and we will be off and running!! Questions: post them or give me a call at x-4377. Ray