Dependent Types for JavaScript
Lambda the Ultimate - Programming Languages Weblog 2013-03-23
Dependent Types for JavaScript, by Ravi Chugh, David Herman, Ranjit Jhala:
We present Dependent JavaScript (DJS), a statically-typed dialect of the imperative, object-oriented, dynamic language. DJS supports the particularly challenging features such as run-time type-tests, higher-order functions, extensible objects, prototype inheritance, and arrays through a combination of nested refinement types, strong updates to the heap, and heap unrolling to precisely track prototype hierarchies. With our implementation of DJS, we demonstrate that the type system is expressive enough to reason about a variety of tricky idioms found in small examples drawn from several sources, including the popular book JavaScript: The Good Parts and the SunSpider benchmark suite.
Some good progress on inferring types for a very dynamic language. Explicit type declarations are placed in comments that start with "/*:".
/*: x∶Top → {ν ∣ite Num(x) Num(ν) Bool(ν)} */ function negate(x) { if (typeof x == "number") { return 0 - x; } else { return !x; } }