Parsing people, unite! Call for position papers for Parsing@SLE (SPLASH, Indianapolis)
Lambda the Ultimate - Programming Languages Weblog 2013-08-09
Parsing@SLE is a new workshop on parsing programming languages and other software languages. The intended participants are the authors of parser generation tools and parsers for programming languages and other software languages. For the purpose of this workshop "parsing" is a computation that takes a sequence of characters as input and produces a tree or graph shaped model as output. This possibly includes tokenization using regular expressions, deriving trees using context-free grammars, mapping to abstract syntax trees and perhaps even some semantic analysis.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together today's experts in the field of parsing, in order to explore open questions and possibly forge new collaborations. The topics may include algorithms, implementation and generation techniques, syntax and semantics of meta formalisms (BNF), etc. We expect to attract participants that have been or are developing theory, techniques and tools in the broad area of parsing non-natural languages such as programming languages and other software languages (domain specific languages, configuration languages, build languages, data description languages, query languages, etc.)
We solicit short abstracts, asking for positions, demonstrations and early achievements. The submissions will be reviewed on relevance and clarity, and used to plan the mostly interactive sessions of the day.
* workshop website * Deadline August 15 2013 * Notification September 1 2013 * Submit a position paper