Political bias in economics

Language Log 2024-05-17

Zubin Jelveh, Bruce Kogut, and Suresh Naidu, "Political language in economics", The Economic Journal:

Abstract: Does academic writing in economics reflect the political orientation of economists? We use machine learning to measure partisanship in academic economics articles. We predict observed political behavior of a subset of economists using the phrases from their academic articles, show good out-of-sample predictive accuracy, and then predict partisanship for all economists. We then use these predictions to examine patterns of political language in economics. We estimate journal-specific effects on predicted ideology, controlling for author and year fixed effects, that accord with existing survey-based measures. We show considerable sorting of economists into fields of research by predicted partisanship. We also show that partisanship is detectable even within fields, even across those estimating the same theoretical parameter. Using policy-relevant parameters collected from previous meta-analyses, we then show that imputed partisanship is correlated with estimated parameters, such that the implied policy prescription is consistent with partisan leaning. For example, we find that going from the most left-wing authored estimate of the taxable top income elasticity to the most right-wing authored estimate decreases the optimal tax rate from 84% to 58%.

A non-paywalled draft is here.

The economist who sent me the link commented "Shocking, I tells ya!"

The analysis techniques are rather old-fashioned (the Porter stemmer, stem ngrams, Chi-Square (χ2) statistics — not a deep net in sight!). Still (maybe for that reason?) the analysis seems solid to me, as far as it goes.

Anyhow, my favorite part is "Table 2: Top Left- and Right-Leaning N-grams" (p. 43):

Some of the connections to word-stems are intuitive — women, employ, wage on the left; hayek, contract, hoover on the right.

But others are more puzzling, especially on the right. Why are cartel, cigarett, and cattl right-associated unigrams? What about the bigrams social_secur, bond_price, child_labor? Or the trigrams impuls_respons_function, line_item_veto, major_leagu_basebal?