Roman dodecahedra between Southeast Asia and England, part 5
Language Log 2024-06-08
Spotted on the counter for tea/coffee service at the Residence Inn in Omaha, Nebraska:
They're everywhere.
The top pentagonal face of this one is open, so that the dodecahedonal pot can serve as a receptacle for used tea bags, etc. I inverted it so that you could see from the label on the bottom that it was produced by a design studio that has global aspirations.
Pure white dodecahedron, no holes in the sides — a perfect, Platonic, polyhedron.
Kind of a cross between a simple, regular polygon and a sphere.
The dodecahedron encompasses the universe and all the heavenly bodies within it.
The zodiacal constellations represented by the 12 faces of the dodecahedron symbolize all the stars and planets and galaxies in the cosmos.
Eminently satisfying — at least to me.
Selected readings
- "Roman dodecahedra between Southeast Asia and England, part 4" (6/5/24) — especially this extended, detailed comment by Brian Pellar
- "Roman dodecahedra between Southeast Asia and England, part 3" (5/24/24)
- "Roman dodecahedra between Southeast Asia and England, part 2" (5/12/24)
- "Roman dodecahedra between Southeast Asia and England" (4/30/24)
- "Wheat and word: astronomy and the origins of the alphabet" (3/15/24) — with references to seven substantial papers on this subject by Brian Pellar
- "The Alphabet and the Zodiac" (12/6/22)