Fake F*ck
Language Log 2023-04-26
Usual LL romanization, transcription, and translation of the Chinese text:
"fuck" de Zhōng yìyīn jiùshì: fǎkè. Yìsi wèi: xìngjiāo
zhù: zài Yīngguó huò Měiguó dú "fǎkèyóu" Yīnwèi zhè shì zānghuà, qǐng dàjiā jǐnliàng shǎo shuō!
Zhōngwén míng fǎkè
wàiwén míng Fuck
láiyuán Yīngyǔ
fēnlèi zānghuà
guānlián related to sex
法克 脏话 的中译音就是: 法克。意思为: 性交 注:在英国或美国读法克油 因为这是脏话,请大家尽量少说! 中文名 法克 外文名 来源 英语 分类 脏话 关联 与性相关
The Chinese phonetic transcription of "fuck" is "fǎkè". Meaning: sexual intercourse.
Note: pronounced "fuck you" in England or America. Because this is an obscenity, please say it as seldom as possible!
Chinese term: fǎkè
foreign term: Fuck
orig.: English
class.: obscenity
assoc.: related to sex
VHM: skip to the second part; I couldn't get the first part to go away, even though I changed the URL.
fǎkè yóu
lit., "law-overcome/subdue squid"
Lots of false friends floating around.
Selected readings
- "Franco-Croatian Squid in pepper sauce" (3/12/09)
- "Big WHAT hall" (12/1/15)
- "Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon Classics " (8/30/13)
- "It is cool to f*** the empress" (11/26/20)
[h.t. Geoff Wade]