Vowel systems and musical sounds
Language Log 2023-11-26
[This is a guest post by H. Krishnapriyan]
Would you know of any ready reference that talks about vowels not getting articulated in specific places in the mouth, but rather being part of a system of vowels where the sound value of a vowel is determined by the vowel's relative position of articulation with respect to other vowels? I recall reading about this decades back, most likely, in a book by Henry Sweet.
My renewed interest in the topic is due to the fact that I found something I was looking for for a long time — a recording of a piece of Karnatak music that illustrates this (just the first couple of minutes) — the singer articulates the word paripaalaya in different ways that all make sense, illustrating the above paragraph.
I had heard the famous singer, M.D. Ramanathan, sing this in live concerts at about the same time I had read about the vowel systems. I had marveled at how a phonetic observation in a book from one place got illustrated by a piece of music from a very different place. Now thanks to the wonders of www, I can locate the actual piece of music to share!
Selected readings
- "Jazz Dispute" (11/13/14) — many of the comments and featured videos are relevant to this post
- "Once more on the mystery of the national spelling bee" (5/27/16)
- "M D Ramanathan at The Music Academy, Madras, 21.12.1971" (7/5/23)